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- Akbaş H, Keskin M, Güneren E, Eroğlu L, Demir A, UYSAL OA . Unilateral osteotomies for externally deviated noses. Aesthetic Plast Surg 26 : 413 , 2002
- Eroğlu L , Güneren E, Akbaş H, Demir A, UYSAL A . Using human hair as suture material in microsurgical practice. J Reconstr Microsurg 19 : 37 , 2003
- Keskin M, Akbaş H , Uysal O.A. , Caner S., Ayyıldız M., Ağar E., Kaplan S. Enhancement of nerve regeneration and orientation across a gap with a nerve graft within a vein conduit graft : A functional , stereologic and electrophysiological study. Plast Reconstr Surg 111 ( 6) : 2116 , 2003
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